Tuesday I was scheduled to have my normal 2 week check up just to see how everything was. Aside from the small emotional outburst triggered by lack of sleep, not feeling well, and well honestly tired of being preggo, everything was fine. She was concerned about the fact that I hadn't felt Aslynn move all that much so she sent me right across the street to the hospital for a Non-Stress Test.
Aslynn was doing beautifuly, aside from the high high high heartbeat that at one point was in the 180's. Well needless to say mine wasn't so hot either. The highest mine got was around 145, resting. The nurse, who was there when I delivered Brayden, was concerned with me being sick because " I sounded like crap in the lungs". So she pushed for a chest x-ray, thinking I might have pneumonia. Short story I didn't have it but the started a few rounds of breathing treatments and was scheduled to be on my way home that evening. Good... I missed my Tater.
WELL. My heart rate never really settled but Aslynn's did. Well the Dr decided to admit me over night, continue the breathing treatments and go home the next day.
Well Wednesday, I still sound like crap, feel like crap, at some points are shaking, and my HR was still elevated while resting. So she sends me for a CT scan of my chest. Now she thinks I have a blood clot somewhere :(
Well, I don't. But she is still convinced that something is wrong with me that needs to be watched and after telling her that I was basically ignored all day, hadn't been able to keep anything down, not getting a lunch and everything else amongst everything that is still wrong, she keeps me yet another night and start me on fluids and something for the nausea.
I've seen Brayden once since I dropped him off at Toni's house around 11:30 on Tuesday. I'm ready to go home bad.
Well I finally got to go home on Thursday BUT not after an EKG and an EEG.
3 days in the hospital and I just have a REALLY HORRIBLE REALLY BAD CASE OF BRONCHITIS. Erg.
At one point yes, she did fathom the idea with me of going ahead and taking Aslynn if that was what was going to finally get my heart rate to go down but she decided that she wasn't going to do that.
Oh yea and my heart rate still in the 115's. I go back to see her on Monday so she can check on me and Aslynn and I guess we will go from there.
And nope, I can barely talk. Brad's been joking that this is the best illness ever...Ass! :)
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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