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Thursday, October 4, 2007


As I previously posted, Brayden usually wakes up anywhere from 4-5 in the morning, which is fine because now I've fallen accustomed to it so it doesn't bother me. So this morning when I woke up around that time and waited to hear him stir, I didn't. So I checked on him, yup, still breathing. So I let him sleep.

6 o'clock came and I told Brad to be quiet while getting ready for work because Tater had yet to wake up. Well he slept through Brad leaving and continued to sleep.

And when did my lovely child decide to arise??? 8 o'clock! YES!! HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!

It would have been lovely of him though to give me a warning so I might have been able to sleep and not worry whether my child was breathing, but thats Brayden for you...he likes to pull stunts and surprises.

Maybe we will get two nights in a row....who knows but wish me luck!!