Aslynn had her two week check-up with Dr. Carter yesterday and he said that she looked wonderful and as long as she is eating well he's happy. She weighs in right now at a whopping whole 7 pounds 1 ounce. "So big" as Grandma would say :)
She also had her re-evaluation of her hearing. She failed the initial test done in the hospital and Dr. Murphree wanted to see her back in two weeks. Well she failed the second test as well. From what I gathered by watching the computer during the test, it is her right ear the he is concerned about. Her left ear did okay but I don't think it passed either but it still did better than her right.
So we go back again on the 16th to have it tested yet again.
I know that everything happens for a reason but right now I am having a hard time coping with the fact that this happened to my daughter. I know that nothing is set in stone yet but I still have to sit on the fact that she could possibly not hear. I just keep catching myself asking the question "why?". That infamous question.
In my eyes and heart she is perfect. There is no hearing flaw or anything. But it still worries me that she may never fully be able to enjoy music and movies and the complete conversation. Then I find myself questioning if she will be able to talk properly down the road.
Why did my daughter get chosen? Is this His plan in making her unique? I mean seriously if it is His plan then he could have atleast given me a little bit of warning so that I could better prepare myself for this.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
Brittini, please don't worry yet about the hearing tests!! (I know you will anyhow!) It's not that unusual for a baby to fail 2 tests; I actually saw it where I used to work. The parents were both deaf, had two hearing sons and then had a daughter who failed 2 tests but then the 3rd test was fine. I think your odds are even better since there isn't any family history to speak of. And whatever happens, she is such a beautiful baby!!!!
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