I don't dread Tater turning 1. I don't dread the party. I dread 2 things. The mixture of two completely different families who have really only met once or twice and the constant fear that this party will turn out horribly. I know he's just one and he doesn't care yet alone realize whats really going on but I do.
Okay, so I dread 3 things.....I also dread the fact that once Tater turns 1 that means I'm closer to giving birth and dreading the thought that I could be in that 25% that gets PPD again.
It's all so much and I know that God only does what God has planned for you but damn I think he thought that I could handle a little more than I think I can.
Onward to the refusal of the sippy cup(s)....
Tater did great for a while, we were down to three bottles w/formula a day and whenever else he was thirsty he got a sippy cup with juice or water. Well thats gone COMPLETELY out the window.
We've tried just about EVERY sippy cup out there here recently and nada. I've had more sippy cups chucked at me then I ever imagined. I've even tried to put formula into the sippy cups. NOPE NOT GONNA HAVE IT is exactly what he told me while it went flying across the room and hit the dog.
Hopefully this is just a phase because he's got something coming to him if it isn't. After his 1st birthday whether he likes it or not, bye bye bottle.
I'm seriously thinking that since this kid loves to drink out of a straw that I'm going to get him the cups that have the retractable straws and such. He does rather well with those you just have to watch him sometimes when he gets a little too excited.
Summertime Sweets
8 months ago
His birthday is going to be fine honey. As long as me, you, & tater are together, it's gonna be fun. Screw everyone else.
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